Magdalena was named after a famous female contortionist. Why you ask? Well she was a bit like a pretzel on delivery day. Her presentation was two front feet and no head. She was upside down with her head back and her legs some how wrapped about her head. Thank goodness for vets with small hands, Betsy was up to her arm pits with both hands getting her turned around for delivery.
Magdalena was a healthy cria with good energy but seemed to be unable to nurse. All the correct instincts but she didn’t seem be able to tilt her head at the correct angle to nurse. At 48 hours old she went to the chiropractor for an adjustment. The axis, where the head meets the spine was out of position as well and the vertebra just before the shoulder was a bit rotated. Immediately after the adjustment you could see a change in the way she held herself. She now had no problems nursing. Yahoo!!